
When removed, the chickenpox way acne face India

when is facial injuries, such as external forces, or causes of acne scars, contraction of collagen fibers are damaged, the dermis layer, failure, extrusion, fracture, originally the connective tissue and nerve fibers grow into the skin after healing and the orderly and proper place, the newborn, new capillaries, and therefore the dislocation arrangement of collagen fibers and babies, do not undermine the stability of solid circulation in the skin when you do, and on broken skin pigmentation changes, and therefore cause the formation of pigment prints. laser wounds of the traditional rule, freezing, skin graft surgery, radiation therapy, partially closed, use other methods. poor efficacy, safety factor, also protects what its effect is lower than satisfaction. then can not easily remove operation scars? yes, of course, maca is a combination of the scar can be cured that way. 2004

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